In the event of lightning during any session at the Australian International School, the school's Lightning Alert System will be automatically activated, sounding a warning chime and activating red flashing warning lights. As soon as the system is activated, all players, coaches, volunteers and spectators are required to move to designated safe areas, which will be advised by coaches and committee. Play will not resume until the alert system sounds the safety chime and the warning lights are out. If time permits, sessions will be started or restarted. In certain cases, where there are prolonged delays or the system is activated towards the end of a session, that session may be called off. This will be done so at the discretion of the committee and or the head coach in charge on the day.
In rare cases, the committee or head coach in charge on the day, may deem play to be unsafe due to lightning, in spite of the system not being activated, which may also result in stoppages or cancellation of sessions.
With regards to rain, sessions will continue under normal rain conditions. If the committee and or the head coach in charge on the day, deem that the rain is too heavy for safe play or the field itself has become unsafe, play may be stopped temporarily or in some cases called off.
If air quality reaches unsafe levels, sessions will be called off.
In any other cases related to weather and or air quality, should the committee and or the head coach in charge on the day deem play to be unsafe, sessions may be temporarily halted or called off.